The Corbin High School Athletic Department is offering to students of any Corbin Independent School and their siblings an ALL SPORTS PASS.
The purpose of this pass is to make Corbin High School athletic events affordable to our students and their families.
This pass will be good for admission for all regular season high school athletic events where admission is charged for varsity, junior varsity, or freshmen events for the entire 2015-2016 school year. For example, varsity general admission for volleyball (9 games), football (4 games), and basketball (20+ games) is $5.00 which totals $150+ for just these sports. Student Tickets are no longer sold.
The cost is as follows:
1st student per family --- $30.00 for the pass
All subsequent students per family --- $20.00 per pass
This PASS IS NOT transferable.
Replacements will be available for a $5.00 charge.
Passes may be purchased in the Athletic Director’s Office at the high school starting August 17th during school hours.
Checks should be made to Corbin High School.
Note: This pass is NOT good for the SEKC football Grid-O-Rama, Pigskin Classic, SEKC basketball Pan-O-Rama, Cumberland Falls Basketball Invitational, or any KHSAA post season tournament.
For further information, call 528-3902 during school hours and ask for Mr. Smith.