Mon-02/01… Boys Basketball Home vs. Pineville JV6:00/V7:30 Student Section Theme ‘Rags to Riches’ Upperclassmen – rich, Underclassmen – poor
CMS Boys Basketball @ Northern Pulaski 6,7,&8 starting 5:30
Tue-02/02… [DH] Basketball Boys @ Williamsburg V only 6:00 / Girls V only 7:30 Student Section Theme ‘Misc. Costumes’ Banana Costume=Front Row Pass
Wed-02/03… No Activity …
Thu-02/04… CHS Cheerleaders leave for Orlando FL to compete in UCA Nationals thru Tue-02/09… As of now they are scheduled to perform Sat-02/06 around 8 p.m.
Fri-02/05… [DH] Basketball Home vs. Whitley County Girls V only 6:00 / Boys V only 7:30 Student Section Theme ‘College Game Day’ Bring Signs, Rep College of Choice
Sat-02/06… Fr Girls Basketball Tournament TBA
Varsity Schedules, Rosters, and Scores in Boys/Girls Basketball can be obtained by going to the following website: